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2022 Delegates Meeting Minutes Available

Gauschriftführerin Janet Malofiy recently emailed the minutes of the 2022 Delegates Meeting to the Vereine. Below is her email plus the link to the minutes. The minutes are also available under About Us/Reports

Below is a link to the Gauverband Nordamerika 2022 Delegates Meeting Minutes & Reports. This link will give you access to viewing, downloading, and printing if you so choose. 

Successful 2022 Delegates Meeting

The Gauvervand Ausschuss has a slightly different look with new people filling four positions! Here are the election results of the 2022 Delegates Meeting:

Gauzeitung Deadline: May 15 (later than usual!)

The deadline for the next issue of the Gauzeitung is May 15, a little later than usual. Lots of great things have been happening in the last few months, so don't wait til the last minute to write your articles and send pictures. Everyone wants to read about interesting events in the lives of your Vereine. Send to

Delegates Meeting Registration Deadline: April 18

Urgent Reminder to Vereine.  Deadline for registration and assignment of delegates for the 2022 Virtual Delegates Meeting is Monday, April 18th.  Vorstände and Secretaries please look in your email for a communication from Robert Hugel with details on how to register.  If you have questions or did not receive the email, please contact Robert Hugel.

2022 Delegates Meeting: Nominations Committee Update

As of March 16/Updated March 23: THIS LINK takes you to a pdf file with all applications for offices that have been received thus far. The file may be viewed, downloaded, or printed.

Important Update from the Meetings Committee

NEW AS OF MARCH 18: The Gauverband Meetings Committee continues to work with “Gaufest Consultant” Nick VanderKamp from Helms Briscoe to identify locations and facilities that could be conducive to hosting a future Gaufest.  Nick provides his services at no cost to the Gauverband or the interested Verein.  Nick reached out to Helm Brisco partners around the country to see what locations would be suitable to host a Gaufest and to provide preliminary pricing and availability based upon our requirements for a Gaufest in 2025.


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