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May 2020 Issue of Gauzeitung Available Now

The pandemic has caused many changes -- including one to the Gauzeitung.  This quarter's issue is online instead of being mailed!  It's available to all, whether you subscribe or not. Please feel free to pass this information along to those in your Verein.  This 20-page issue includes articles about: Gauausschussversammlung meeting results; new Gau-Vereine; Mid-Atlantic Jugendeinzelplatteln in Lancaster; West Coast Bezirksfest in British Columbia; Bayern Verein Newark's virtual 90. Stiftungsfest; Volkstanz Workshop in Wisconsin. Also Jugendecke; Scholarship winners; Neubayerischer Plattler instructions; Brauchtum - Almsommer; Holzhausen News, Eisstockschiessen; and more!  Read, print, or download the issue at THIS LINK.  Enjoy!

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