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2022 Bayerischer Löwe Preisplatteln Update

See cancellation post on Feb. 21, 2022.  Previous post: The host Verein of the 2022 BL Preisplatteln in Hohenschäftlarn contacted us at the end of December to update us on the status of their event. They have continued with plans for their Gaufest and the BL Preisplatteln, but they have recently needed to cancel events due to the new COVID variant and resulting restrictions. Bavaria is facing another year of potential COVID restrictions, and no one is sure what the outcome will be. They promised to keep us up to date as things evolve.

New Look for Trachtenverband's Heimat- und Trachtenbote

The Bayerischer Trachtenverband has published a newsletter for 89 years. Today's Heimat- und Trachtenbote is published twice a month, 16 pages each issue. Every one of the Gauverbände has its own Pressewart under the leadership of the Trachtenverband's Press Committee. For the last year, a committee has been working on a complete revamp of the newsletter to introduce in January 2022.

Gauzeitung Deadline: February 1

It's almost time for another Gauzeitung! Gosh, 3 months sure do fly by. Please send your articles and pictures to me by February 1 -- sooner if possible! Helps with planning the layout. Let others know what has been going on in your Verein, what's coming up, what weddings and other personal events have taken place. You know -- anything you want to hear about other Vereine is something others want to hear about your Verein. A few good pictures with newsy captions is sometimes just enough. Lots of new officers get elected about now, so a picture of that is always fun to see.

Generous Gift Presented to Trachtenkulturzentrum

The following is a translation of an article that was published recently in Bayern about a generous visitor to the Trachtenkulturzentrum in Holzhausen.

The Bayerischer Trachtenverband accepted a particularly valuable gift at its Trachtenkulturzentrum in Holzhausen. William Hetzler, a long time gallery owner in New York and the former president of the Steuben Parade in New York, gave a gift of 16 works of art from his collection. These were the works of the well-known Bavarian artists Rudolf L. Reiter and Nikolaus Hipp and the German graphic designer Julius Himpel.

Tracht: Knitting Stockings and Stutzen

The November 2021 issue of the Gauzeitung has an article by Hans Habereder about knitting stockings and Stutzen. The article contained many wonderful photos with a lot of detail, which does not show up as well in the smaller photos used in the Gauzeitung. Click THIS LINK to see the larger photos that Hans sent with his article. The article will also be available under Resources/Tracht on this website.

28. Gaufest Hotel & Ticket Reservations Open

From the 28.Gaufest Committee -- Hosted by Edelweiss Passaic in Atlantic City, New Jersey


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