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Bay. Löwe: Order Flowers by May 16

D'Wageggler has graciously arranged for a local flower shop to help coordinate flowers for members of Gau-NA attending the Bayerischer Löwe and Gaufest in May/June 2018 We have to submit one order to D'Wageggler prior to the Gaufest to ensure delivery. Any orders received or changed after the deadline might not be included in our order. The cost of the flowers is either 1 Euro or $1.25 for each carnation or Ruskus greenery (the florist didn't recommend the ferns).

2018 Delegates Meeting: Some Last Info/Changes

Three updates (Walter Kraft, Nominations Committee, Host Verein) -- all of the information is also updated on the About Us/Meetings page.

From Walter Kraft, Gauschriftführer:

Delegates Meeting Registration Deadline April 20

Friday, April 20, is the deadline for registration for the Delegates Meeting.  Please be sure to get your forms in or contact me as soon as possible with information.  Click for Meeting Information or go directionly to forms and contact info.

Officer & Committee Reports Available

The officer and committee reports are available now.  Please review them prior to the Delegates Meeting.  If you wish, you may download the file and/or print it.  Copies will not be available at the meeting.  All reports, agendas, schedules, nominations information is available at this link.

Check out the Workshops at Delegates Meeting!

It’s an action-packed Delegates Meeting between reviewing proposals and elections, but don’t forget the intriguing workshops that will also take place! Need a break from the meetings? Check out what it takes to run a Gaufest. Want to get your hands dirty in the kitchen? Learn how to make your own Brez’n! Interested in the historical tradespeople? Are you curious about gaining more members? Want to learn the newly introduced WM Plattler or dip your toes into the Wattentaler Masolka?

Delegates Meeting Agenda, Schedule, Proposals

The following was sent to the Vereine at their email of record:

It is my pleasure to send you this file (click here) for our Delegates Meeting that will take place on April 28 - 29, 2018 in Omaha, Nebraska. Please bring copies of the attachment to the meeting.


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