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Student Exchange Program with Bayern

NEW!!!   Unfortunately, the exchange program will not be taking place in 2013 due to circumstances beyond our control.  Instead, it will be pushed to 2014.  Questions should be addressed to Michael Olk.

In November of 2011 Gauarchivar Michael Olk met with Günther Frey and Franziska Strauss of the Bayerische Trachtenjugend to discuss further plans and answer any questions or concerns they had concerning the Youth Exchange which was proposed to them last April in Holzhausen. It was a very positive meeting, and they are very excited about the idea of bringing our young people together to create new ties between North America and Bayern which many of us presently have. To give some details here are a few items.

¨ This exchange would be between Gauverband Nordamerika and the Bayerischer Trachtenverband

¨ The exchange would last 2-3 weeks

¨ Max of 10 participants per Trachtenverband

¨ The age limit has changed to 18-21 for the very first exchange to see how well it goes. We thought it would be a good idea to send students that are a little older the first time around and if the exchange is a success then the age limit will be dropped down.

¨ Participants must be members of a Trachtenverein

¨ The first exchange would take place in 2013

While the participants are in North America or in Bayern they will participate in each other’s Verein functions, practices, and other activities. While the North American students are in Bayern, they will also be spending a couple of days at the Trachtenkulturzentrum in Holzhausen where all the participants and host families will come together for camping out and other activities at the museum site. Time will also be spent with host families in Bayern and North America to show them something of their region and the area they live in.

Both the Bayerischer Trachtenverband and Gauverband Nordamerika see this as a win-win endeavor and an opportunity to keep the ties and our customs going for the future generations to come. If you would like more detailed information, please contact Gauarchivar Michael Olk (402) 578-8023 or


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