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2023 Gaufest Einzelpreisplatteln Dance Order

Diane Meck has forwarded via email (through Janet Malofiy) the dance order that the dance officers have finalized. If you have any questions, please direct them to the dance officers (adults) or Diane (children).

Results of Bayerischer Löwe 2023

ADDED 5/29/2023:  Complete results of Bayerischer Löwe for all competitors are at  THIS LINK.  It's an excel file, click on the second tab of the file.

2023-24 Gauverband Directory Available

Brenda Nowak, Gaubeisitzerin, has provided the following announcement from the Gaubeisitzer:

Gauzeitung Deadline -- May 1

Please send me your articles and photos for the upcoming issue of the Gauzeitung.  The deadline is May 1. Contact me if you need extra time and I'll do my best to get your article in this issue.  Send to  --Danke! 

2023 Gau-Ausschussversammlung Minutes Available Online

Gauschriftführerin Janet Malofiy sent out the following email to all the Vereine today:

"The Ausschussversammlung minutes from March, 2023 can be found on the Gauverband website under About Us/Reports-Minutes at this link:"


Gau-NA Eats YouTube Video on Making Brezn

The Gauverband Education Committee is happy to debut our second video in the GauNordamerika Eats series!

In this second installment, Gaumusikwart Rick Michels shows us how to make Laugenbrezeln, or traditional Bavarian pretzels.

You can find a printable version of the cooking instructions, as well as a comprehensive list of ingredients, courtesy of Rick Michels, under "Resources/Workshops," then scroll down to the video info. Be sure to like and subscribe to the Gauverband YouTube channel to stay tuned for more videos in the future! 

Enjoy Biergarten season--prost!

Christine Ott, Matt LaCourse, Rick Michels, Erik Schwarze -- Education Committee


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