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Tragic News from D'Wageggler Haldenwang

Thomas Karg of D’Wageggler in Haldenwang shared the tragic news that their Vorsitzende Miriam (Benda) Reiter and her unborn son passed away on September 21st.  There is a writeup on their website providing more information about Miriam. She was an incredibly active and energetic Trachtlerin, involved in every aspect of the Verein, and someone who was able to inspire others to be engaged. Since March, she has been their Vorsitzende. She put her heart into all she did.


Miriam came to our Gaufest in Buffalo and was one of the key people that worked with us to plan, organize, and operate the Preisplatteln um den Bayerischen Löwen in Haldenwang in 2018.  Without her it would not have been possible.  She also worked with Gauverband Nordamerika to ensure the visiting Nord-Amerikaner were taken care of during their Gautrachtenfest, planning excursions for us and making sure we were part of their Festzug and celebrations.  Since 2018, D’Wageggler have maintained close contact with Gauverband Nordamerika.  Several members also came to our 2019 Gaufest in Washington DC, where the Haldenwang Kuhschalle was returned to Gauverband Nordamerika.  We will miss Miriam’s enthusiasm, support, and friendship.


We are sorry to learn of this tragedy and share our deepest sympathy and condolences with Miriam’s family and our friends, the Trachtenverein D’Wageggler Börwang-Haldenwang. Ruhe in Frieden, Miriam und Lukas.



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