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June 7: Enzian Seattle's 60th Anniversary Celebration

Enzian Seattle will be celebrating its 60th anniversary on June 7 with a gala evening of fun.  More info is on the attached flyer.  Or go to Enzian's website at Enzian Schuhplattler.

March 8, 2025: Bayern Verein Newark, NJ's 95th Anniversary!

Bayern Verein Newark will be celebrating its 95th anniversary.  Sounds like a great evening of fun with friends!  Read all about it on the attached flyer.  

Die Gemuetlichen Enzianer Invite You to....

Die Gemuetlichen Enzianer of Franklin Square, NY, have two events coming up and they'd like to welcome you!

  • March 15, 2025: Mid-Atlantic Jugend Einzelplatteln at the Knights of Columbus Memorare Hall, 2183 Jackson Ave, Seaford, NY 11783.  9 am-3 pm.  Email to for more information.
  • April 12, 2025: Annual Bauernball, Plattduetsche Park Restaurant, Franklin Square, NY.  Email to for more information.

Gauzeitung Deadline: February 10

The deadline to submit pictures and articles for the next issue of the Gauzeitung is February 10.  Send them to  Let others know what's been happening in your Verein!

Ring in the New Year with Cowbells!

For the last few years Gauverband Nordamerika has joined the Allgäuer Gauverband in the tradition of ringing in the new year with cow bells (rather than shooting off fireworks).  It was a project started by their 1er Gauvorplattler Christoph Zweng.  They call it Allgäu Schealat.  For the last two years we put together a video that we shared with them.  A link to last year’s video is below.

Gauverband Directory Updated

The Gauverband Directory has been updated to reflect changes submitted as of November 2024.  Go to Member Vereine to access the latest information.  Thank you to Gaubeisitzerin Brenda Nowak for taking on this big task.


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