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2019 April 13: Alpenrösl St. Catharines - Trachtenfest

GTEV Alpenrösl is inviting you to its annual Trachtenfest on Saturday, April 13, at their Vereinsheim Club Heidelberg.  This fun evening is a popular yearly event, attracting Trachtler from Canada and the US.  See the flyer for details.

2019 May 4: SV Heidengold to Celebrate 40th Anniversary

Schuhplattler Verein Heidengold will celebrate their 40th Anniversary on Saturday, May 4, 2019 at St. Mary’s Ukrainian Church Hall. We hope your Verein can come celebrate with us!

Article about Bayern-Gau-NA Friendship

The Jan. 15, 2019, issue of the Heimat- und Trachtenbote carried an article about the friendship between the Bayerischer Trachtenverband and Gau-NA on its front page. Pressewart Anton Hötzelsperger interviewed 1.Gauvorstand Tom Vogt when he attended the Landesversammlung in November (see Tom's article in the November 2018 Gauzeitung). Toni also included quotes from Landesvorsitzender Max Bertl and Ehrenvorsitzender Otto Dufter.

Feb. 1 -- Gauzeitung Deadline!

Time to submit articles for the Gauzeitung!  What's been going on in your Verein?  What's coming up?  Send me your news at  Photos are welcome, too!  February 1 is the deadline.

2019 Gaufest Registration Opens Jan. 10!

As of noon (EST) on Thursday, January 10, the registration website will be open for everyone ready to register for the 2019 Gaufest. Please CLICK HERE and a link will be provided to take you to registration. Feel free to email any questions to or message the Gaufest Facebook site (@DCGaufest2019).

2019 Feb. 2 - Schlierachtaler Stamm's Night in Vienna

The Schlierachtaler Stamm will once again relive the grandeur and opulence of a bygone era at their annual Night in Vienna grand ball. Travel back in time to 19th century Vienna where the beauty of the waltz is evident as the ladies glide gracefully across the dance floor in their elegant gowns to music of the great composers - Strauss, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert to name a few. The evening begins in style as you enter the exquisite Leonard's Palazzo 555, which palazzo by definition is a large splendid building or residence such as a "palace".


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