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2019 Gauausschuss Meeting Minutes Available

The minutes of the 2019 Gauausschuss Meeting are now available to read online, download, or print. The minutes are 64 pages long and include committee reports, officer reports, and Gaufest reports. They are available by clicking HERE or going to About Us/Reports-Minutes.

Hosting Requirements Documents have been Updated

At the Gau-Ausschuss meeting the end of February, the Meetings Committee agreed on changes to be made to the Hosting Requirements Documents.  These include hosting a Gaufest, hosting an Executive Board Meeting, and hosting a Delegates Meeting.  The Committee added a fourth document on How to Host a Gaurichter Training Meeting.  These documents are under "Publications/ How-To Manuals" in the menu or CLICK HERE.

Congratulations to Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarship Winners

On behalf of the Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarship committee, I am proud to announce three 2019 finalists!

  • $2000 award to Aana Rase, T.E.V. Edelweiss, Denver CO
  • $1000 award to Emily Goetz, T.E.V. Edelweiss, Denver CO
  • $1000 award to Gracie Siffer, Bavarian Sports Club of Toledo, Toledo, OH

Thank you to all who have applied. Congratulations to our three winners!

2019 March 23: Bayern Verein Newark's 89. Stiftungsfest

Bayern Verein Newark, New Jersey, will be celebrating its 89th Anniversary on March 23! The Fest is sure to be fun, offer good food and drink, but best of all will be the Trachtenkameradschaft. Find out how to attend in the attached flyer.

2019 April 6: Chiemgau Windsor's Bockbier Festival

GTEV Chiemgau in Windsor, Ontario, is hosting its annual Bockbier Festival. Great food, Paulaner Salvatore Bier, dance music by Siasswasser Tanzlmusi, and dancing by Chiemgau Windsor and Edelweiss Detroit. Come for a fun evening. You can buy tickets online at or by calling the number on the attached flyer.

Oberammergau Passion Play Trip Update

To all those who expressed interest in attending the Passion Play in 2020 -- I sent out an email to you today. Please get back to me with answers to my question.  If you don't see the email, be sure to check your spam or junk mail folder or contact me asap at


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