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2020 Delegates Meeting - Hotel Reservations Open 11/15

Die Gemuetlichen Schuhplattler of Anaheim, California, asked me to share this information regarding the Gau-NA Delegates Meeting they will be hosting on April 25-26, 2020, at the Phoenix Club:

Gau-NA Hosts Mieder Making Course

The November 2019 Gauzeitung has a great article in it about the 15 ladies in Gau-NA who took a Mieder making class from Bavarian master seamstress Annamirl Raab.  The class was coordinated by Karin Schwab and Liz Hostetter and held the week before the Gaufest.  Many of the ladies were able to premiere their beautiful new Mieders at the Gaufest.  Everyone loved working with Annamirl -- she's been well known here for many years for her one-of-a-kind Mieders. Several Gau-NA ladies have travelled to Schliersee over the years to take lessons from Annamirl.  

Results of Gaufest Survey Available

Thank you to everyone who took part in the Gaufest Survey over the past two months.  We had great participation with over 280 responses.

Apply for Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarship by Dec. 31

It’s that time of year again.  We are accepting applications for the Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarship.  (This post has also been emailed to all Gauverband Vereine.)

27. Gaufest Publicity

The Lechgaukapelle was a great treat for our Gaufest in Washington, D.C.  Twenty musicians plus some family and friends were in attendance.  Rosi Geiger, former Pressewart of the Lechgau, traveled along with them and has been busy reporting on the trip. One article appeared in the Merkur, the other in the most recent issue of the Heimat- und Trachtenbote. Both articles are so complimentary!

2021 Gaufest -- Enter Raffle for Free Tickets

Our 2021 Gaufest host, Edelweiss Passaic, is holding a raffle to raise money to be able to offer free and discounted tickets to children and young adults.  But anyone who buys a raffle ticket also gets the opportunity to win free tickets for themselves or even a free hotel stay for the Gaufest!  Drawing is December 14, 2019.  See the flyer below for details.  (Void where prohibited.)


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