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Help Wanted for Preisplatteln

Liebe Trachtler und Trachtlerinnen,

The three dance officers need volunteers to enter scores into our computer during the Einzel- and Gruppenpreisplatteln. It’s not difficult. The more the merrier. Pay isn’t good (in fact, there is no pay), but you’ll have our gratitude. We really need the help.

Please e-mail us or find us at the Gaufest on Thursday and let us know.

Thank you,

Adam Schaefer, 1.Gauvorplattler (

Rudy Leschke, 2.Gauvorplattler (

2017 Einzelpreisplatteln Line-Up Available (update 6/23)

Judges training was held recently. During that time, the order for Einzelpreisplatteln for ages 16 up is determined.  And here it is!  Just click on the red link to view, print, or download.  6/23: Estimated times have been added to the info.  Note that there are two circles running simultaneously in different rooms: the 16-34 circle and the 35 and up circle.

Great Jugend Activities at the 26. Gaufest

This is a very busy time of year if you are involved with today’s youth. Between the ending of the school year and Gaufest 2017 only days away, there is a lot of excitement in the year. Here is a quick update:

Workshops at the Gaufest--Learn and Have Fun!

Learn more about the Bavarian traditions of the Alphorn and Fingerhackeln--two workshops that are sure to be educational as well as fun. The Kinderzimmer and Jugendecke are going to be a great way for our young people to meet and have fun together (even more info in a separate post).  Click on "Read More" below for more detail.

Jugend Einzelplatteln Line-up for Gaufest Announced

The line-up for Jugend Einzelplatteln & Einzelpreisplatteln is now available at this link.  You can view, download, or print.  Contact Diane Meck with any changes or corrections.  The list will be reissued before the Gaufest with any changes.  Looking forward to seeing all our young people dance at the Gaufest!

Gau-Archivar Announces Plans for Exhibit at Gaufest

Take a look at the plans I have for the archive display at the Gaufest!  Click on "Read More" below.  Looking forward to seeing all of you!


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