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2023 Judges Training Report Available

Below is a link to the report about the May Preisrichter training weekend.

2023 Grads for Next Issue of Gauzeitung

Please email to Diane Meck,, information about your high school, college, trade schools, and other post secondary graduations. Please include: Verein name, student name, institution of graduation, and level (HS diploma, Bachelors, Masters, etc.), future plans (next school or career) and any special honors and a picture (in Tracht if possible). Please reply by June 30 to include in the next issue of the Gauzeitung.

Alpenrose Orlando is Having a Fahnenweihe--in Bayern!

SG Alpenrose Orlando, Florida, is happy to share that the Gruppe will have a new flag to celebrate 43 years of Tanz, Liebe, und Gemütlichkeit. We invite in celebration to a Fahnenweihe on June 18, 2023, 10 am Mass. The event will take place at St. Nikolaus Kirche in (86925) Fuchstal, Bayern, south of Landsberg am Lech. We welcome Gau-NA members to join us in this celebration. Our Gruppe is also planning a Fahnenweihe celebration in Orlando coming early 2024 and hope many of our members may be able to join us at that time. More information to follow.

2023 Gaufest Einzelpreisplatteln Dance Order

Diane Meck has forwarded via email (through Janet Malofiy) the dance order that the dance officers have finalized. If you have any questions, please direct them to the dance officers (adults) or Diane (children).

Results of Bayerischer Löwe 2023

ADDED 5/29/2023:  Complete results of Bayerischer Löwe for all competitors are at  THIS LINK.  It's an excel file, click on the second tab of the file.

2023-24 Gauverband Directory Available

Brenda Nowak, Gaubeisitzerin, has provided the following announcement from the Gaubeisitzer:


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