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2017 February 18 - Edelweiss Passaic Strauss Ball

Edelweiss Passaic's annual Strauss Ball is being held February 18 in Wood-Ridge, New Jersey, and you're invited!  See the flyer below to find out more about this beautiful event.

Gauzeitung Deadline - Feb. 1. What's New in your Verein?

The next deadline for the Gauzeitung is February 1. What's going on in your Verein: upcoming events in the April-August time period? Articles about an event that happened in 2016? Gauzeitung readers what to hear your news. Send your articles and photos to me at

Jugend Page Has More Info!

The Jugend (Youth) page has more info on it than ever before! Gaujugendvertreterin Diane Meck is working on finding more resources for the Gauverband's young people. Take a look by clicking on Resources/ Jugend from the tool bar or click here. The page will be updated as often as new material becomes available. 

Bylaws, Rules, Preisplatteln Rules, "How-To" Manuals Updated

Update Dec. 30, 2016:  The Scoresheets for Preisplatteln and Jugend Critique have been added to the Gau Rules!

Gau-NA mentioned on Bayernwelle Radio

You just never know where the Gauverband Nordamerika will be mentioned! This year's Gauzeitung Christmas Greetings included a funny little Christmas poem written in "Denglisch" -- that great language so many of our loved ones speak. The Gauzeitung made its way to Anton Hötzelsperger, Pressewart for the Bayerischer Trachtenverband. Toni got a kick out of the poem and sent it on to his media email distribution list, which included radio station Bayernwelle. The BW liked it, too, and was interested in Gau-NA, so they called Toni, who did a radio interview.

In Memory of Erich Bayer, Ehrengauvorplattler

Erich Bayer, our Ehrengauvorplattler, passed away on November 4, 2016. Erich was elected our 2.Gauvorplattler on January 10, 1976, and then elected 1.Gauvorplattler two years later, on January 14, 1978, and remained in that capacity for eight years. Erich was named Ehrengauvorplattler at an Executive Board Meeting on March 1, 2003. Although on the Executive Board for only a relatively short time, his impact on our Gauverband was deeply felt.


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