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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Gauzeitung Christmas Greetings - Deadline Oct. 15

The deadline to submit Christmas Greetings for the Gauzeitung is October 15!  In order to get the Christmas issue to you by the beginning of December, the greetings must be sent in/reserved by October 15. Even if you can't get the actual greeting to me by then, please let me know what size ad you or your Verein wants, and then take another week to finish it up and email it. You can send a pdf or jpg (high resolution) of a finished ad or words and pictures/graphics for me to finish the ad for you.  Ads will be in color.

2019 Ulrich Scholarship Application; Dec. 31 Deadline

The Gauverband Nordamerika established the Paul Ulrich Sr. Scholarship Program at the request of and support by the Ulrich Family and other contributions to provide financial assistance through annual scholarships to university, college, trade school, or independent study to students involved in the promotion of Bavarian and Tyrolean cultural heritage.

Survey: Opinion of Nominations Process; Open Til Sept. 7

At the last Delegates Meeting a new process was used for the election of officers. The Nominations Committee would like your thoughts on how well the new process was received by members of the Gauverband.

Book Introduction: Faszination Tracht

The Gau-Ehrenvorstand of the Bayerischer Inngau, Walter Weinzierl, and photographer Rainer Nitzsche collaborated on a fantastic new book called "Faszination Tracht."  The 141-page book has 150 photos, each more beautiful than the last.  The text is informative and clear.  The Tracht is from the Inngau and Chiemgau regions and the photos were taken at various Gau- and Vereinsfeste in the area. A "must-have" for anyone who loves Tracht.

Gauzeitung Deadline - Sept. 1, 2018

The deadline for submitting articles for the upcoming issue of the Gauzeitung is September 1.  Send your articles and photos (or questions!) to  Let people know what's going on in your Verein!

Article about Gau-NA in Bavarian Newspaper

Anton Hötzelsperger, Press Liaison of the Bayerischer Trachtenverband, published an article in the Samerberger Nachrichten about the friendship between Gau-NA and our friends in Bayern.


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