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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Wanted: 2024 Grads by June 30

It's time to put the 2024 graduate pages together for the Gauzeitung!  Please send me your grads -- high school, trade school, college -- by June 30.  Include grad's name, Verein, diploma/degree, future plans, and a picture of the grad, preferably in Tracht.  Send it to me by June 30 at  The issue is always a pleasure to read.

Minutes of 1967-2000 Meetings Available Online

The minutes to all the Gau-NA meetings from 1967-2000 have been scanned and are now available online.  Look under About Us/Reports-Meetings to find the link.  It's a great resource if you're interested in the Gauverband's history.  

2024 Bayerischer Löwe Invitation, Vereine Attending, People Competing

The link below takes you to a list of the participants that will be representing Gauverband Nordamerika at the upcoming Preisplatteln um den Bayerischen Löwen in Steinebach am Wörthsee this June.  A Program of the Huosigau Gaufest being held in conjunction with the Preisplatteln, and the list of our attending Vereine is also attached for your reference. 

50ger Festmarsch Sheet Music Online

The sheet music for the 50ger Festmarsch is now online under Resources/Music or click THIS LINK to go to the music directly.  Gaumusikwart Rick Michels wrote the Festmarsch in honor of the Gauverband's 50. Jubiläum in 2016. The video of the premier of this lively march, played for the first time at the Delegates Meeting in St. Paul in 2016, is available on the website and now so is the sheet music. Enjoy! 

Trauer um Georg Westner, Bay. Trachtenverband

Der Gauverband Nordamerika ist bestürzt über die Nachricht vom Tod von Georg Westner.  Seine Taten im Leben zeigten seine wahre Hingabe an die Trachtenbewegung und wir werden ihn schmerzlich vermissen.

Unser Beileid gilt seiner Familie und dem Bayerischen Trachtenverband.

Mit Trachtengruß, Tom Vogt, 1.Gauvorstand

Remembering Dan Biehler

We are saddened to hear that Dan Biehler passed away in March. Dan was the Gauverband’s first Gaumusikwart, appointed to the position by Gauvorstand Walter Wieand in 1992. He served until 1994 when he did not run for reelection due to work commitments. Dan was a tremendously knowledgeable and talented musician, playing button box accordion, Hackbrett, and several other instruments. At the 1992 and 1994 Delegates Meetings and the 1993 Gaufest, he led several music workshops. Dan was 81 when he passed away.


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