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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement


All the posts regarding the Delegates Meeting can be found at "About Us/Meetings," then scroll down a bit. As we get closer to the meeting date and have more posts, you'll appreciate this convenience even more! 

Nominations Now Being Accepted for Gauausschuss!

The Nominations Committee -- Steff Troxell, Michael Fricker, and Nancy Plunk -- has put together an explanation of how the nomination process will work for this year's elections at the 2024 Delegates Meeting. The letter at THIS LINK is also being mailed to the email distribution list. Nominations may be submitted via the easy-to-use electronic form; the link is contained in the letter.

Delegates Meeting: Hotel, Paperwork

I am providing information for the 2024 Delegates Meeting hosted by Enzian Volkstanzgruppe, Newark, Delaware, May 3-5, 2024.  The documents may be accessed via the attachments (sent by email to the distribution list) or you may use the links below.  Please be sure to take note of all submission deadlines.
The LINK provides access to: 
Memo from the Beisitzer with a request for:

Gauzeitung Deadline: February 1

Please send me your articles and photos for the upcoming issue of the Gauzeitung.  The deadline is February 1. Contact me if you need extra time and I'll do my best to get your article in this issue.  Send to  --Danke! 

Remembering Walter Wieand

The Gauverband Nordamerika is in mourning for one of the key figures in the history of our organization, as Walter Wieand passed away on January 17, 2024.

How to Submit Bylaws/Rules Changes for Delegates Meeting

For any proposal submissions for the 2024 Delegates Meeting,  I am providing a form for your use.  You can download the form using the link below.  A log-in is not required.  Just click on the link, then click on the “name of file” and when the form comes up, download it from the icon/"download" in the upper right corner.  Please note the form should be submitted as a Word document and please only include one Proposal per form. Rename the form to include your Verein's name.


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