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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Bid for 23.Gaufest 2011

22. Delegierten Versammlung des Gauverbandes Nordamerika

Submitted 24Jan2008 by Mark LaCourse
Liebe Trachtler und Trachtlerin,
As you are aware, the 22. Delegates Meeting of Gauverband Nordamerika is being held in the great state of Minnesota on May 2-4, 2008. We are honored to be your hosts for this event and hope that you find your way here in good health.
The meetings are being held in their entirety at the Holiday Inn Select- Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport, which is approximately one mile from the airport and within blocks of the Mall of America.

A Preisplatteln proposal from your dance officers

Submitted 24Jan2008 by Mark LaCourse.

Gauarchivar Michael Olk visits Holzhausen

Delegates' Meeting Information

Member Vereine, Officers and Gau Judges, December 4, 2007
Dear Friends:
As a reminder, the next Delegates' meeting will be hosted by the S.G. Edelweiss St.Paul and will take place from May 3-4, 2008 in St. Paul Minnesota. To prepare for this meeting, please:

We invite you to come experience true Southern Hospitality at Orlando Gaufest 2011

Submitted 18Nov2007. FLORIDA, with its miles of sandy beaches and nearly year-round sunshine, remains the third most popular United States vacation destination. Florida offers numerous attractions which include; Sea World, Universal Studios, NASA, and of course Walt Disney World theme parks. There is something for everyone; at any age, at any budget. The members of Schuhplattler und Trachten Verein Maiglöckchen, Daytona Beach, FL invite you to consider the Sunshine State for your 2011 Gaufest/Vacation destination.


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