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2022 Bayerischer Löwe Update -- Cancelled

The host of the 2022 Bayerischer Löwe Preisplatteln, Almrösl Schäftlarn, has recently met with the Loisachgau Vorstand to discuss the status of their Gaufest and BL Preisplatteln this year. They contacted us today to let us know they have reached the decision to stop plans for their Gaufest, and as a result the BL Preisplatteln will also not take place.  We will receive an official cancellation notice shortly.  They've shared this information with us first because they know we will need to deal with flight and hotel cancellations.


I'll post the official cancellation letter, in German, as soon as it is available.


I am sure many will be upset by this news.  I was also planning on competing at the BL this year and am disappointed.  I am sure the BL Gauvorplattlers will discuss what to do with the many eligible contestants that will now again not be able to compete, and I will share any information I receive as we move forward into 2023.  In the meantime, I look forward to Original Enzian's 100th Anniversary celebration and our own upcoming Gaufest.  Stay well.  I hope to see you there.

--Rudy Leschke, 1.Gauvorplattler

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