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2018 June 15-16: 2nd Gebietsfest in Altoona, PA

The second Vier Länder Gebietsfest will be hosted by the Almrausch Schuhplattler of Altoona, Pennsylvania, on June 15-16, 2018.  See the flyer for more info and be sure to save the dates on your calendar.  Email Shari Oberneder at for more information. As the date gets closer, the post will be updated.

Kulturzentrum Holzhausen: Doors have been installed!

I am happy to announce that the Schranktüren for the Gauverband Nordamerika Zimmer are installed. I received an email from Wolfgang Gensberger who is the Archivar for the Bayerischer Trachtenverband and Curator at the Trachtenkulturzentrum in Holzhausen that the doors are installed and ready for viewing. The only item left is installing the locks and hardware. Now when people stay in the room and take a tour through the Bildungshaus, they will see the doors proudly displayed to tell the story of the Trachtler in Nordamerika.

Bayerischer Löwe 2018 - Update & Request for Info

This is the third update about the Bayerischer Löwe that Gau-NA will be hosting with the help of our friends D'Wageggler in Börwang-Haldenwang (near Kempten) in the Allgäu on June 2, 2018. Five days of activities are planned; the Löwe is one of them as is participation in a Fronleichnam (Corpus Christi) procession, sightseeing, a Gauheimatabend, and the Allgäuer Gaufest.  More details are available in the attached update.  Here's a summary of what is in the update:


2018 Gaufeste in Bayern

Here's a list of Gaufeste that will be happening this year in Bavaria and the city where it will take place.  Go to the individual Gauverband's website or to the Bayerischer Trachtenverband to get more information about any particular Gaufest.

New Nominations Procedure for 2018 Delegates Meeting

Jan. 31, 2018 Deadline for Nominations!

During the 2016 Delegates Meeting, a vote was made to change our nominations process. A committee, appointed by the Gauvorstand, was tasked with developing a process that would allow potential candidates to announce their interest in running for a Gauausschuß position prior to the Delegates Meeting. Armed with this information before the Delegates Meeting, the Gauverband Vereine would now have an opportunity to discuss the candidates and make an informed choice.

2018 August 10-12 - TEV Edelweiss Denver's 60. Jubiläum

An invitation from TEV Edelweiss Denver:

TEV Edelweiss Denver will be celebrating our 60th Jubiläum/Anniversary from August 10-12, 2018, at our newly completed clubhouse, nestled in the foothills of Denver, in beautiful Morrison, Colorado.


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