This is the third update about the Bayerischer Löwe that Gau-NA will be hosting with the help of our friends D'Wageggler in Börwang-Haldenwang (near Kempten) in the Allgäu on June 2, 2018. Five days of activities are planned; the Löwe is one of them as is participation in a Fronleichnam (Corpus Christi) procession, sightseeing, a Gauheimatabend, and the Allgäuer Gaufest. More details are available in the attached update. Here's a summary of what is in the update:
Verein Attendance -- I would like the Vorstand or Vorplattler of each Verein to please let me know how many people from your Verein will be attending the Trachtenfest. Also, please let me know if you are bringing your Fahne and if you are able to do an Ehrentanz. Please respond by February 15. This is important for planning purposes. (email in attachment)
Bayerischer Löwe Volunteers -- Folks have volunteered for all of the positions needed, and we have several backups. Thanks, everyone, for helping out. Our Vors will be contacting our volunteers shortly, and we willl set up several phone conferences in February and March to prepare for the event, starting with a general meeting for all volunteers and then having meetings by volunteer groups. The four basic work groups are: Registration/fee collection; Dance Circles; Score Tabulation; Judges
Competitors -- We will reach out to eligible competitors shortly to see who will be able to compete. We'll also share the rules of competition at that time (they are slightly different). The top 2 groups and top 3 Einzel winners are eligible.
Hotel Options -- If you haven't already made reservations somewhere, there's a brochure of 131 lodging options in the area on the Gauverband website (see Link below).
Link to complete Update #3 Link to all Bayerischer Löwe Information