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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Calling all Gau Musikanten

Bylaws Updated for 501(c)(3) Application

Trachtenkameraden aus Amerika helfen in Holzhausen

submitted 26 October 2008 by C. Marquardt

Trachtler from America help in Holzhausen for the Haus der Bayerischen Trachtengeschichte and Trachtenkultur. Five Trachtenkameraden from Gauverband Nordamerika traveled to Holzhausen in Niederbayern ready to do some hands-on work. Gauverband Nordamerika has already sent several cash donations to fund the work in Holzhausen, but these Trachtler wanted to be involved personally in the work.

Results from Preisplatteln um den bayerischen Löwe

submitted 20October2008 by C. Marquardt. Bayerischer Löwe Preisplatteln was held on October 18, 2008 in the Heide Volm Gasthaus in Planegg on the outskirts of Munich. It was hosted by the Isargau and Gerhard Ruhsdorfer, 1. Gauvorplattler did an excellent job as moderator. The Buam and Gruppen Preisplatteln was held in the main hall and the Dirndl Drahn and Jugend Einzelplattlen were held in smaller rooms. Barbara and Leo Mayer, Denver were Preisrichter. 2.Gauvorstand Kenny Ott, 1.

Trachtler Wallfahrt nach Altötting

submitted 30September 2008 Wallfahrt nach Altötting. Photo: Toni Hötzelsperger

Handbooks now available on website

submitted 25 September 2008 "Handbooks" are now available on the Gau website. Look under "About Us - Bylaws" to find the updated Handbooks for Hosting a Delegates' Meeting, Hosting a Gaufest, and Hosting an Executive Board Meeting. The purpose of these Handbooks is to provide information to assist a Verein in preparing for and hosting a meeting or Gaufest. These Handbooks were prepared by the Meetings Committee of the Gau Ausschuß. A Gaufest FAQ can be found under "Gaufeste".



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