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Gauverband Announcement

Gauverband Announcement

Gemuetlichen Enzianer NY's Bauernball & Fahnensegnung

On behalf of the Gemütlichen Enzianer, we would like to extend an invitation to join us at our Fahnen-Segnung and Bauernball (Flag Rededication Celebration) on April 18, 2015.  

Zwiefacher Workshop Handout Available

Juergen Friese of D’Miesbacher Oimtaler Denver taught a workshop at the Mittelwest Bezirksheimatfest in Omaha in 2014. He taught us 8 different dances with  varying levels of difficulty. The rhythm patterns can be tricky to figure out but therein lies the fun!  The handout that Juergen prepared has a history of the dance, how the dance is performed, lyrics to the songs, pattern of the music, and musical notes. There are also website links to many of the songs so that you can hear them or see them danced.

Fahnensegnung und Bauerball, April 18, New York

On behalf of the Gemütlichen Enzianer, we would like to extend an invitation to join us at our Fahnen-Segnung and Bauernball (Flag Rededication Celebration) on April 18, 2015.  Our Club’s flag is an important symbol of our heritage and Trachten tradition and as such, the refurbishment and rededication of our flag is an important milestone in our club’s history.

Jugendeinzelplatteln Rules/Scoresheets Updated

Jugendvertreterin Heidi von Recklinghausen has updated the rules and scoresheets for Jugendeinzelplatteln and Jugendeinzelpreisplatteln to the latest agreements reached at the 2014 Delegates Meeting. Look under Resources/Jugend to view, print, or download each set of rules.

Great Article in Heimat- und Trachtenbote

Franz Meisinger, a long-time friend of Gauehrenvorstand Walter Wieand, wrote an article for the Trachtenverband Bayern's newsletter "Heimat- und Trachtenbote" about Gau-NA's participation at the Oktoberfest, complete with a few pictures.  Click on the link to read it.  And thank you, Franz, for the nice article!    Meisinger Article HTB

Gau-NA Bylaws, Rules, and Guidelines Updated

All of the changes to the Bylaws, Rules, and Guidelines that were approved at the 2014 Delegates Meetings have been rolled into the official documents of the Gauverband.  Go to About Us, then click on Bylaws.  Links to the following three documents are available:  Summary of Changes; 2014 Bylaws (same as 2012 except for the date on the document; no changes were approved to the Bylaws); and 2014 GauRules, Preisplatteln Rules, and Guidelines.  The three documents can be viewed online, printed from online, or downloaded.


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